If you’ve had an accident, whether that’s a fall or a deteriorating health condition, getting assistance as soon as possible is crucial, especially if you live alone. That’s where Personal Emergency Response Systems come in.
From the simple press of a button, a signal is sent from the device to the 24/7 APERS Care Team, alerting them that help is urgently required. In response, the Care Team can contact the user through their device and speak to them and assess the situation. Then, the Care Team can contact someone on the user’s emergency contact list, or the emergency services, if required.
There are two types of emergency response systems currently: Medical Alert Alarms and Go Pendants, both of which are waterproof and operate Australia-wide.
Medical Alert Alarms
Medical Alert Systems come with two parts: the Base Unit and pendant.
As shown below, the pendant can be work around the neck with a hypoallergenic chain (left) or around the wrist (right).
The pendant is a portable device that stays with the user at all times, though the Base Unit is not portable. To operate successfully, the pendant must be within a 300-metre open-air range of the Base Unit at all times.
These devices can be used in and around the home, so are perfect for someone who often stays at home. But if you are someone who regularly goes out and about, the Go Pendant is for you.
Go Pendants
Unlike Medical Alert Alarms, the Go Pendant is a mobile medical alarm that can be used anywhere in Australia with suitable Telstra cellular network coverage, and are specifically designed for use outside the home. The Go Pendant has cutting-edge cellular and GPS technology. Once the emergency signal is activated, your GPS location is sent to the Care Team, ensuring your safety when you’re on the Go. Please note that we are no longer selling the Go Pendant, as we are waiting for the 4G version to become available.
At APERS, we understand that keeping your loved ones safe is the most important thing in the world.
For more information about our personal medical alarms, please call 1300 852 148 or send us a message via our website.